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<*> Computer Tyme MarxMenu <*>
Reference Manual
Copyright 1989 - 1992 by Marc Perkel
All Rights Reserved * Version 2.36 * Release Date: 01-21-92
Computer Tyme * 411 North Sherman Suite 300 * Springfield Mo. 65802
(417) 866-1222 voice * (417) 866-1665 bbs
Fax: (417) 866-0135
CompuServe 76505,1120
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 1
Copyright ......................................... 1
License ........................................... 1
Warranty .......................................... 1
Acknowledgments ................................... 2
Trademarks ........................................ 2
The MarxMenu Name ................................. 2
Technical Support ................................. 3
Installation ...................................... 3
Installing the Network Survival Kit ............... 4
Overview of the MarxMenu System ................... 5
-- What MarxMenu Does ............................. 7
The MARX.BAT File ................................. 8
-- DROPTO.BAT ..................................... 10
-- Support for early DOS versions ................. 11
-- About Environment Variables .................... 12
-- Dealing with Multiple DOS Shells ............... 13
-- MarxMenu and TSR Control ....................... 14
Sample Menus on Disk .............................. 15
Network Users ..................................... 15
-- Network Menu Strategy .......................... 16
-- Novell Users ................................... 16
---- The Novell Menu Translator ................... 17
---- Logging out under Menu Control ............... 18
---- Logging in with MarxMenu ..................... 19
---- Using Novell's Login ......................... 19
------ The CONFIG.SYS File ........................ 20
------ The AUTOEXEC.BAT File ...................... 20
------ The SHELL.CFG File ......................... 22
------ Using a Menu File to Log In ................ 22
------ Novell Search Drives ....................... 23
---- Setting File Attributes ...................... 24
---- Novell Semaphores ............................ 24
Running a MarxMenu ................................ 25
Upgrading MarxMenu ................................ 26
Customizing MarxMenu Sample Files ................. 27
Menu Analysis ..................................... 28
Onkey Statements .................................. 28
Popup Menus ....................................... 29
The Console ....................................... 30
Repositioning the Top Window ...................... 30
Mouse Support ..................................... 31
Starting off the Easy Way ......................... 31
About Variables ................................... 31
-- Numeric Variables .............................. 32
-- Boolean Variables .............................. 33
-- String Variables ............................... 33
-- Real Numbers ................................... 33
-- Local Variables ................................ 34
-- Dates .......................................... 35è -- Passing Parameters to Procedures ............... 35
About Constants ................................... 36
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 2
About Arrays ...................................... 37
About Qualifiers .................................. 38
Pointer Variables ................................. 39
Comments in Menu Files ............................ 40
The MarxMenu Compiler ............................. 40
MarxMenu Language Rules ........................... 41
Compiler Compatibility ............................ 41
A word about DOS versions ......................... 42
A word about BUGS ................................. 43
Tips From the Master .............................. 43
-- Computers do Simple Tasks ...................... 43
-- Complex Tasks are made of Simple Tasks ......... 44
-- Learning Good Programming Habits ............... 44
-- Use Long Names ................................. 45
-- Use Comments Liberally ......................... 46
-- Indent Your code ............................... 47
-- For Duplicate Tasks, Use Procedures ............ 48
-- Don't Program Yourself into a Corner ........... 49
-- For the POWER User ............................. 49
Where MarxMenu is Heading ......................... 50
A word to Writers and Reviewers ................... 51
Using MarxHelp .................................... 52
Printing the Example Files ........................ 52
Security Issues ................................... 52
Keeping Users in the Menu ......................... 53
-- Using BREAK.SYS ................................ 54
-- Using the SHELL= Command ....................... 55
MarxMenu Commands ................................. 56
-- | .............................................. 56
-- ( .............................................. 56
-- ) .............................................. 57
-- * .............................................. 57
-- + .............................................. 57
-- - .............................................. 57
-- / .............................................. 57
-- < .............................................. 57
-- <= ............................................. 57
-- <> ............................................. 57
-- = .............................................. 57
-- > .............................................. 58
-- >= ............................................. 58
-- %MenuFileName .................................. 58
-- Abs ............................................ 58
-- Actual ......................................... 58
-- Alias .......................................... 59
-- AllowAbort ..................................... 59
-- AllowEsc ....................................... 59
-- And ............................................ 59
-- AppendArray .................................... 60
-- ApplicationMemory .............................. 60è -- ArcTan ......................................... 60
-- AssignList ..................................... 60
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 3
-- BadDate ........................................ 61
-- Bat ............................................ 61
-- BatFileName .................................... 61
-- BigShadow ...................................... 61
-- BinString ...................................... 62
-- Blanked ........................................ 62
-- BlankMessage ................................... 62
-- BlankScreenProgram ............................. 62
-- BlankTime ...................................... 63
-- Blink .......................................... 63
-- BlockBox ....................................... 63
-- BootDrive ...................................... 64
-- BoxBorderColor ................................. 64
-- BoxHeader ...................................... 64
-- BoxHeaderColor ................................. 64
-- BoxHeaderLeft .................................. 64
-- BoxHeaderRight ................................. 65
-- BoxFooter ...................................... 65
-- BoxFooterLeft .................................. 65
-- BoxFooterRight ................................. 65
-- BoxInsideColor ................................. 66
-- BrightBackground ............................... 66
-- BuildPath ...................................... 66
-- CancelListEntry ................................ 67
-- CapsColor ...................................... 67
-- CapsLock ....................................... 67
-- Chain .......................................... 68
-- Char ........................................... 68
-- ChDir .......................................... 68
-- CleanFileName .................................. 68
-- ClearLine ...................................... 69
-- ClearScreen .................................... 69
-- ClearScreenFirst ............................... 69
-- ClearScreenOnExit .............................. 69
-- ClockColor ..................................... 69
-- ClockMode ...................................... 70
-- ClockPos ....................................... 70
-- ClosePrinter ................................... 71
-- ClusterSize .................................... 71
-- CmdLine ........................................ 71
-- ColdBoot ....................................... 71
-- ColorScreen .................................... 72
-- Comment ........................................ 72
-- Console ........................................ 72
-- ConsoleBorderColor ............................. 72
-- ConsoleHeaderColor ............................. 73
-- ConsoleInsideColor ............................. 73
-- ConsolePos ..................................... 73
-- Const .......................................... 73
-- Cos ............................................ 73è -- CpuClass ....................................... 73
-- CountryCode .................................... 74
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 4
-- CurrentEnvironment ............................. 74
-- CurrentWindow .................................. 74
-- Cursor ......................................... 74
-- CustomBox ...................................... 74
-- DateSeparator .................................. 74
-- DateString ..................................... 75
-- Day ............................................ 75
-- DayOf .......................................... 75
-- DayOfWeek ...................................... 75
-- DayOfWeekOf .................................... 75
-- DecimalSeparator ............................... 75
-- Delete ......................................... 76
-- DelFile ........................................ 76
-- DisplayType .................................... 77
-- DirectoriesOnly ................................ 77
-- Dispose ........................................ 77
-- DosVersion ..................................... 78
-- DosVersionString ............................... 78
-- DosWindow ...................................... 78
-- DoubleLineBox .................................. 78
-- DrawBox ........................................ 79
-- Drives ......................................... 79
-- DvAppNumber .................................... 79
-- DvFrame ........................................ 79
-- DvFreeze ....................................... 79
-- DvHide ......................................... 80
-- DvKillTask ..................................... 80
-- DvLastHandle ................................... 80
-- DvLoaded ....................................... 80
-- DvMoveWindow ................................... 80
-- DvMyHandle ..................................... 80
-- DvPifExecute ................................... 81
-- DvResizeWindow ................................. 81
-- DvSetBottom .................................... 81
-- DvSetTop ....................................... 81
-- DvUnFreeze ..................................... 82
-- DvUnHide ....................................... 82
-- Else ........................................... 82
-- ElseIf ......................................... 82
-- EndComment ..................................... 83
-- Endif .......................................... 83
-- EndLoop ........................................ 83
-- EndOfFile ...................................... 83
-- EndProc ........................................ 83
-- EndWhile ....................................... 84
-- EnvFree ........................................ 84
-- EnvSize ........................................ 84
-- EraseTopWindow ................................. 84
-- EraseWindow .................................... 84
-- Execute ........................................ 85è -- ExistDir ....................................... 86
-- ExistFile ...................................... 86
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 5
-- ExistOnPath .................................... 86
-- ExitCode ....................................... 86
-- ExitMenu ....................................... 87
-- Exp ............................................ 87
-- Explode ........................................ 87
-- ExplodeDelay ................................... 87
-- Extension ...................................... 87
-- FileAppend ..................................... 87
-- FileAssign ..................................... 88
-- FileAttr ....................................... 88
-- FileClose ...................................... 88
-- FileCreate ..................................... 88
-- FileDate ....................................... 88
-- FileFlush ...................................... 88
-- FileLog ........................................ 89
-- FileOpen ....................................... 89
-- FilePart ....................................... 89
-- FilePos ........................................ 89
-- FileReadln ..................................... 90
-- FileRename ..................................... 90
-- FileResult ..................................... 90
-- FileSeek ....................................... 90
-- FileSize ....................................... 90
-- FileTime ....................................... 90
-- FileWrite ...................................... 90
-- FileWriteln .................................... 91
-- FixPath ........................................ 91
-- Floppies ....................................... 91
-- ForceExplosion ................................. 91
-- ForceExtension ................................. 91
-- Fraction ....................................... 91
-- FreeDiskSpace .................................. 92
-- FreeEms ........................................ 92
-- FreeMem ........................................ 92
-- FreeMemory ..................................... 92
-- GetMem ......................................... 92
-- GotoXY ......................................... 93
-- HexString ...................................... 93
-- HiddenAndSystem ................................ 93
-- HighWord ....................................... 93
-- Hour ........................................... 93
-- HourOf ......................................... 93
-- Hundredth ...................................... 94
-- IdleProgram .................................... 94
-- If ............................................. 95
-- InactiveBox .................................... 95
-- InactiveBoxColor ............................... 96
-- InactiveShadow ................................. 96
-- Include ........................................ 96
-- IncludeDirectories ............................. 97è -- InputString .................................... 97
-- Insert ......................................... 97
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 6
-- InsertMode ..................................... 97
-- Int ............................................ 97
-- Integer ........................................ 97
-- Intr ........................................... 98
-- InverseColor ................................... 98
-- Jump ........................................... 98
-- KbdReady ....................................... 98
-- KeySave ........................................ 98
-- KeyFromMouse ................................... 98
-- KillMusic ...................................... 98
-- LastDrive ...................................... 99
-- LastKey ........................................ 99
-- Left ........................................... 99
-- Length ......................................... 99
-- Ln ............................................. 99
-- Loc ............................................ 100
-- LockWord ....................................... 101
-- Logoff ......................................... 101
-- LogoffTime ..................................... 101
-- Loop ........................................... 102
-- LoopIndex ...................................... 103
-- LoopLevel ...................................... 103
-- LoopLimit ...................................... 103
-- MachineName .................................... 103
-- LowWord ........................................ 104
-- MakeListEntry .................................. 104
-- MarxVersion .................................... 104
-- MasterEnvironment .............................. 104
-- Max ............................................ 104
-- Mem ............................................ 105
-- MemL ........................................... 105
-- MemSize ........................................ 105
-- MemW ........................................... 105
-- MenuKeyBuffer .................................. 106
-- Mid ............................................ 106
-- Min ............................................ 106
-- MinorDosVersion ................................ 106
-- Minute ......................................... 106
-- MinuteOf ....................................... 106
-- MkDir .......................................... 107
-- Mod ............................................ 107
-- ModifyPath ..................................... 107
-- Month .......................................... 107
-- MonthOf ........................................ 107
-- Mouse .......................................... 108
-- MouseHorizontal ................................ 108
-- MouseVertical .................................. 108
-- MoveWindow ..................................... 108
-- MsDos .......................................... 109
-- MxCmd .......................................... 109è -- NamePart ....................................... 109
-- NetworkVersion ................................. 109
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 7
-- NextWord ....................................... 110
-- NoBoxBorder .................................... 110
-- NoExit ......................................... 110
-- Not ............................................ 110
-- NotesLeft ...................................... 110
-- NotesPlayed .................................... 110
-- NovAccountExpDate .............................. 111
-- NovAddUserToGroup .............................. 111
-- NovAddToSet .................................... 111
-- NovAttach ...................................... 111
-- NovAttachedServers ............................. 111
-- NovBroadcastMode ............................... 112
-- NovCaptureCopies ............................... 112
-- NovCaptureFF ................................... 112
-- NovCaptureForm ................................. 113
-- NovCaptureQueue ................................ 113
-- NovCaptureTabSize .............................. 113
-- NovCaptureTimeOut .............................. 113
-- NovCaptureUseBanner ............................ 114
-- NovChangePassword .............................. 114
-- NovCleanVolumeName ............................. 114
-- NovClearConnection ............................. 114
-- NovCloseSemaphore .............................. 114
-- NovConnection .................................. 114
-- NovConnectionsInUse ............................ 114
-- NovConsoleOperator ............................. 115
-- NovCreateObject ................................ 115
-- NovCreateProperty .............................. 115
-- NovDefaultServer ............................... 116
-- NovDeleteFromSet ............................... 116
-- NovDeleteObject ................................ 116
-- NovDetach ...................................... 116
-- NovDownServer .................................. 116
-- NovEndCapture .................................. 116
-- NovFreeDirSlots ................................ 117
-- NovFreeVolumeSpace ............................. 117
-- NovForceDownServer ............................. 117
-- NovFullName .................................... 117
-- NovGetMessage .................................. 117
-- NovGraceLoginReset ............................. 118
-- NovGraceLogins ................................. 118
-- NovGroupMembers ................................ 118
-- NovGroups ...................................... 118
-- NovInGroup ..................................... 118
-- NovLastLoginDate ............................... 119
-- NovLogin ....................................... 119
-- NovLoginName ................................... 119
-- NovLogout ...................................... 120
-- NovMapDrive .................................... 120
-- NovMapRoot ..................................... 120è -- NovMaxConnections .............................. 120
-- NovMinPasswordLength ........................... 121
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 8
-- NovMyLoginName ................................. 121
-- NovMyPassword .................................. 121
-- NovMyPrintQueues ............................... 121
-- NovObjectID .................................... 121
-- NovObjects ..................................... 122
-- NovObjectSecurity .............................. 122
-- NovOpenSemaphore ............................... 123
-- NovPasswordExpDate ............................. 123
-- NovPreferredServer ............................. 123
-- NovPrimaryServer ............................... 123
-- NovPrintQueues ................................. 123
-- NovPropertySecurity ............................ 124
-- NovPropertyValues .............................. 124
-- NovReadGroups .................................. 125
-- NovReadSecurityEquals .......................... 125
-- NovRemoveUserFromGroup ......................... 125
-- NovRenameObject ................................ 125
-- NovResult ...................................... 126
-- NovScanProperties .............................. 126
-- NovScanTrusteePaths ............................ 126
-- NovSecurityEquals .............................. 127
-- NovSemaphoreTimeOut ............................ 127
-- NovSemaphoreUsers .............................. 127
-- NovSemaphoreValue .............................. 127
-- NovServerLogin ................................. 127
-- NovServers ..................................... 127
-- NovServerTime .................................. 127
-- NovSendMessage ................................. 128
-- NovSetPreferredServer .......................... 128
-- NovSetPrimaryServer ............................ 128
-- NovSetProperty ................................. 128
-- NovSignalSemaphore ............................. 129
-- NovStaticObject
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 10
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 10
-- NovStaticProperty .............................. 129
-- NovStationAddress .............................. 129
-- NovTotalDirSlots ............................... 130
-- NovTotalVolumeSpace ............................ 130
-- NovUserInGroup ....
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 12
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 12
-- NovUsers ....................................... 130
-- NovUsersLoggedIn ............................... 130
-- NovVersionNumber ............................... 130
-- NovVolumeNumber ................................ 131
-- NovVolumes ..................................... 131
-- NovWaitOnSemaphore ............................. 131
-- NumberOfElements ............................... 131
-- Now ............................................ 131
-- NumLock ........................................ 132
-- Offset ......................................... 132
-- OnKey .......................................... 132
-- OnScreenOnly ................................... 134
-- OpenPrinter .................................... 134
-- OptionSwitch ................................... 134
-- Or ............................................. 134
-- Ord ............................................ 135
-- OverKey ........................................ 135
-- Overlay ........................................ 135
-- ParallelPorts .................................. 135
-- ParamStr ....................................... 136
-- ParentEnvironment .............................. 136
-- Password ....................................... 136
-- Path ........................................... 136
-- PathPart ....................................... 137
-- PauseAfterExecute .............................. 137
-- Pi ............................................. 137
-- PickFile ....................................... 137
-- PickMany ....................................... 138
-- PickOne ........................................ 138
-- PickPosition ................................... 138
-- Port ........................................... 138
-- Pos ............................................ 139
-- PosInList ...................................... 139
-- PosInSortedList ................................ 139
-- Power .......................................... 139
-- Pred ........................................... 140
-- Print .......................................... 140
-- PrinterName .................................... 140
-- Println ........................................ 140
-- PrintScreen .................................... 140
-- Procedure ...................................... 141
-- PullMenu ....................................... 142
-- Qualifier ...................................... 142è -- Random ......................................... 143
-- ReadAscTextFile ................................ 143
-- ReadDirectory .................................. 143
-- ReadEnv ........................................ 144
-- ReadEnvironment ................................ 144
-- ReadFileBlock .................................. 144
-- ReadKey ........................................ 145
-- Readln ......................................... 145
-- ReadTextFile ................................... 145
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 13
-- Real ........................................... 146
-- Reboot ......................................... 146
-- ReleaseDate .................................... 146
-- Repeat ......................................... 146
-- ResizeWindow ................................... 147
-- Return ......................................... 147
-- ReturnCode ..................................... 147
-- Right .......................................... 147
-- RmDir .......................................... 148
-- RollWindow ..................................... 148
-- Run ............................................ 149
-- SavePosition ................................... 149
-- ScreenHeight ................................... 149
-- ScreenWidth .................................... 149
-- ScrollLock ..................................... 150
-- ScrollMove ..................................... 150
-- Second ......................................... 150
-- SecondOf ....................................... 150
-- Security ....................................... 150
-- Segment ........................................ 150
-- SelectPath ..................................... 151
-- SerialPorts .................................... 151
-- SetArraySize ................................... 151
-- SetEnv ......................................... 151
-- SetTopWindow ................................... 152
-- SetWindowUnder ................................. 152
-- Shadow ......................................... 152
-- ShadowColor .................................... 152
-- ShadowPosition ................................. 152
-- Shared ......................................... 153
-- ShellEnvironment ............................... 153
-- Shl ............................................ 153
-- Shr ............................................ 153
-- Sin ............................................ 153
-- SingleLineBox .................................. 153
-- SmallShadow .................................... 154
-- SortArray ...................................... 154
-- Sound .......................................... 154
-- SplitPath ...................................... 154
-- Sqr ............................................ 154
-- StandardIO ..................................... 155
-- Str ............................................ 155
-- StuffAKey ...................................... 155
-- StuffKBD ....................................... 155
-- StuffKeyboardNow ............................... 155
-- Succ ........................................... 156
-- Suggest ........................................ 156
-- TextBackground ................................. 156
-- TextColor ...................................... 156
-- TextMode ....................................... 156è -- TextPos ........................................ 157
-- TextSeek ....................................... 157
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 14
-- Then ........................................... 157
-- TimeOf ......................................... 157
-- Timer .......................................... 157
-- TimeSeparator .................................. 157
-- TimeString ..................................... 158
-- Today .......................................... 158
-- Tomorrow ....................................... 158
-- Tone ........................................... 158
-- TotalDiskSpace ................................. 159
-- TotalEms ....................................... 159
-- Trim ........................................... 159
-- TrueName ....................................... 159
-- UnBlank ........................................ 160
-- UniqueFileName ................................. 160
-- Until .......................................... 160
-- UpperCase ...................................... 160
-- UpperCaseOnly .................................. 161
-- UseArrows ...................................... 161
-- UseCommand ..................................... 161
-- UsedDiskSpace .................................. 162
-- UseNovPassword ................................. 162
-- Value .......................................... 162
-- Var ............................................ 162
-- VarType ........................................ 163
-- VideoMode ...................................... 163
-- VideoPage ...................................... 163
-- ViewArray ...................................... 163
-- ViewTextFile ................................... 163
-- VinCheckService ................................ 164
-- VinesInt ....................................... 164
-- VinesLoaded .................................... 164
-- VinUserName .................................... 164
-- VinSerialNumber ................................ 165
-- Volume ......................................... 165
-- Wait ........................................... 165
-- WaitOrKbdReady ................................. 165
-- WhereX ......................................... 165
-- WhereXAbs ...................................... 165
-- WhereY ......................................... 165
-- WhereYAbs ...................................... 166
-- While .......................................... 166
-- WholeFileNames ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2
I would like to thank the following people for making this product
Joe Smith and Kevin Moore for helping write this manual. My wife Vicki
for being good to me and helping with revisions and editing.
The Computer Tyme staff for being the best employees in the world.
Borland International for writing Turbo Pascal and keeping it bug free
and well supported.
TurboPower Software for their very powerful extensions to Turbo Pascal
and their well written, well supported product.
Semware for TEdit and QEdit, their full screen editors.
All users who actually paid for this product so that we may continue to
Those of you who have pointed out bugs and made suggestions to improve
our product.
MarxMenu, DOS ToolBox, Directory Master, and The Network Survival Kit
are trademarks of Computer Tyme.
QEdit and TEdit are trademarks of SemWare.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development.
Wordstar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International.
Smart Software is a trademark of Informix.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.
Concurrent DOS and DR-DOS are trademarks of Digital Research.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
OPRO and TPRO are trademarks of TurboPower Software.
Netware and Novell are trademarks of Novell.
DesqView and QEMM are trademarks of Quarterdeck.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines.
Created using Turbo Pascal
Copyright 1983-90 by Borland International
When I first wrote this program my friends referred to it as Marc's
Menu. The Names ................................. 166
-- Window ......................................... 166
-- WindowHeight ................................... 166
-- WindowWidth .................................... 166
-- WinX ........................................... 167
-- WinY ........................................... 167
-- Write .......................................... 167
-- WriteCenter .................................... 167
-- WriteFileBlock ................................. 167è -- Writeln ........................................ 167
-- WriteTextFile .................................. 167
Computer Tyme MarxMenu * Table of Contents Page 15
-- WriteVertical .................................. 168
-- Xor ............................................ 168
-- Year ........................................... 168
-- YearOf ......................................... 168
String Constants .................................. 169
Time and Date Constants ........................... 169
Video Constants ................................... 170
Color Constants ................................... 170
Boolean Constants ................................. 170
Conditional Statements ............................ 170
Environment Variables used by MarxMenu ............ 171
Command Categories ................................ 172
-- Misc Commands .................................. 173
-- Math Commands .................................. 173
-- Float Commands ................................. 174
-- String Commands ................................ 175
-- Variable Commands .............................. 176
-- Boolean Commands ............................... 176
-- Array Commands ................................. 177
-- Memory Commands ................................ 178
-- Novell Commands ................................ 178
-- MSNet Commands ................................. 180
-- Vines Commands ................................. 180
-- Time Commands .................................. 181
-- Execution Commands ............................. 182
-- Display Commands ............................... 182
-- Color Commands ................................. 184
-- Environment Commands ........................... 184
-- System Commands ................................ 185
-- File Commands .................................. 185
-- Ansi Commands .................................. 186
-- Printer Commands ............................... 186
-- International Commands ......................... 186
-- DesqView Commands .............................. 187
-- Conditional Commands ........................... 187
-- Keyboard Commands .............................. 188
-- MouseControl Commands .......................... 188
-- Music Commands ................................. 188
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 1
This manual is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
MarxMenu is a programming language which describes to the computer what
it is supposed to do. Even though some of the individual words in
MarxMenu are used in other programming languages, I claim a copyright on
the collection of words which make up the MarxMenu language. I therefore
consider it an infringement of my CopyRight to create a software product
which uses the MarxMenu language, or translates MarxMenu source code,
without purchasing a license to do so.
The combinations of definitions of commands in this manual constitute a
copyrighted work. Any publication which describes a computer language
for which the MarxMenu command set is a subset is a violation of the
copyright of this software and this written manual.
In other words, don't try to clone MarxMenu.
You are licensed to use this program on a single CPU or workstation. If
you are running on a network, you are required to license a separate
copy for each workstation or a file server license for each file server.
If you are running on a multiuser operating system such as Concurrent
DOS, you are required to license a copy for each workstation. Everyone
who uses this menu, must license a copy unless several people share the
same workstation.
This software is licensed and not sold. The license begins when Computer
Tyme receives payment in full. You may not transfer, sell, sublease or
rent this software without the written consent of Computer Tyme. You are
not allowed to distribute MarxMenu in runtime form with software you
developed unless it is in combination with a paid for copy of MarxMenu,
or you have made special arrangements in writing with Computer Tyme to
do so.
Use of this product constitutes your acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this license and of my copyright and your agreement to
abide by these terms and conditions.
The warranty is limited to the diskettes to be machine readable for a
period of 30 days after purchase. Although we try hard to write perfect
software that has no bugs, we do not guarantee that. We also do not
guarantee that this product is fit for every purpose and we are not
liable for any damages that might occur from use of this product. This
agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri.
Computer Tyme MarxMenu Users Manual Page 2